Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Thomas wanted me to take a picture of his eyes so he could see better what they looked like. I happily fulfilled his request and then did the same for Nicholas. Pictures don't do them justice, but as you can see Thomas's eyes are bright blue and Nicholas's rich brown. I find it pretty interesting because neither Jackson or I have eyes these colors. In fact, no one on either side of our families has blue eyes except my dad. We are anxiously waiting to see what color Estella's will be.

Monday, November 12, 2007

More pictures

Here are a few more pictures of Estella. We are just loving her to pieces. Thomas and Nicholas adore her and want to hold her all the time. A few days ago Thomas said, "When Estella gets big I want to be her man." I'm not sure exactly what he meant by that, but I'm sure it means he loves her a lot. Every time Nicholas has a turn holding her he just giggles at every move or grunt she makes.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Estella Dean Berry

Estella arrived Saturday, November 3 at 1:03. She is healthy and we are so happy to have her here. My mom just left this morning, so we will see how things go with just me and three little ones. Here are a few pictures...more will come as I have a few minutes to work on them.