Sunday, December 30, 2007


We had such a great christmas. My dad, mom, brother, and two sisters came to stay with us. It was so much fun. This is a picture of My brother Jake, sister Kara, and sister Jamie sledding. I will post more christmas pictures soon. I just worked on this one last night, so I was excited to post it so my family could see it.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Nicholas Mac

Oh, how we LOVE our little Nicholas Mac. He is such a fun loving, kind boy. Here are a few of my favorite memories of him this month.

Sledding in our front yard.

When the forecast included snow, I bought the boys their first pairs of snow boots. This is the first place we have lived that we have actually needed them. Nicholas calls them his "rubba boots." I had the pleasure to walk in to the kitchen to this sight. He is always doing something that brightens my day.

This is a picture of our daily walk to the mailbox. It is about a half block away. Once, Thomas slipped on this pile of rocks and said, "Ouch! I slipped!" Every day since then, when we reach this spot Nicholas carefully sits down and exclaims, "I slipped!"

If you ask Nicholas to smile, this is the adorable grin you get. I love it!

Ward Christmas Party

These are really bad pictures, but I was playing the piano for the whole program and Jackson was not there...he was at an Orchestra concert, so this is the best I could do. The first one is of Nicholas with a group of kids who go to "Music Makers." This is a special interest group a friend of mine started here and it is SO fun. If anyone wants more info on how to start one just email me. It is a great thing for nursery age kids. Nicholas is in the middle of the group.

This is of the nativity they had the primary kids do. Thomas was a shephard. It's really hard to see him...he is inside the manger with a maroon wrap on his head.

These are of the kids on Santa's lap. Santa was Jackson's uncle, so they knew just who it was. They loved it...they both jumped right up on his lap. Once again, the pictures are bad, but they are the best I could do. It was a fun party.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Here is a video of Estella smiling. I finally caught a grin on camera.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

4 weeks old

Estella is 4 1/2 weeks old now. She is such a joy! She is smiling everyday now...I just can't seem to catch it on camera. This is the best I have got so far.

This is what she looks like most of the time. Actually, most of the time she is sleeping. This is what she looks like most of the time she is awake.

Thomas and Nicholas adore her...Thomas especially. He always wants to hold her and have me take pictures of them together.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Yummy Ears

Nicholas has such soft yummy ears that I can't resist taking a little nibble sometimes. A few days ago I was tickling him and his ear was convenient, so I grabbed his lobe in my mouth. He started to laugh and said, "They're not poc-i-sles mommy!"