Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sleeping on the Trampoline

 Thomas and Nicholas were so excited to sleep on the trampoline for their first time ever!  I wasn't sure if they would last all night.  I thought they might get scared and come inside in the middle of the night, but they stayed outside all night.  Their only complaint in the morning was that it was noisy outside.  We live pretty close to the interstate and I is noisy. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Building and Destroying

 Alexander has started enjoying building things. 

I think though, the reason he builds anything is so he can knock it down.  Boy, does he LOVE to knock things down :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

X Mess

This little boy is definitely in the mess making stage!  Every time I turn around, he is in to something messy!  It is funny that this type of mess would have really stressed me out with my first and second children, and it just makes me laugh with my fourth.  I do get tired of cleaning up after him, but it doesn't make me upset.  I know he will grow out of this phase soon enough and it will only be a memory.  

This was a glue stick before it became purple earwax :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Colorado River

 The river is incredibly low this year!!!  In the past when we have gone it hasn't been very comfortable because there is no where to sit on the side of the river...just lots of shrubs and trees.  Also it is usually deep and rushing fast.  This year was so nice because it was so low there was actually a little beach to sit on and it was shallow almost all the way across.  I didn't let the kids go more than 4 feet from the bank because the current picked up quite a bit after that, but Jackson went right to the middle and swam against the current.  

We weren't planning on Alexander getting wet, so we didn't bring a suit for him.  I don't know what I was thinking...of course he would want to get wet.  We ended up stripping him down to his nakedness.  He was in heaven!  I parked myself on a towel, sipped water, and enjoyed snapping pictures of the action.