Sunday, February 13, 2011

This little girl...

Is so fun to have in our family! She is at a fun stage of learning and language exploration. She says the cutest things every day. I wish I could remember even half of them. I'm going to try to be better at writing them down just after she says them. The cutest thing she is still having a hard time pronouncing is her "sn-" and "sm-" blends. When a word begins with either of these, she breathes the "s-" through her nose. So "snow" is "s(mouth closed, exhale through the nose)-no". It is adorable!

Today, she was sitting, resting her elbow on the table and her chin in her hand. She thoughtfully said, "Mommy, I weally want to be married."

I responded, "Oh! Who would you like to be married to."

Without hesitation, she replied, "To Aunt Jamie."

I just smiled. "That's nice, Essie."

Here are a few pictures of this sweet little girl in her favorite pajamas...too small, stained on the knees and elbows, they have just snuck their way into the trash can :)


Ashley Beth said...

LOL! Well, at least she's liking the idea of being married. That whole "being a mommy" thing will come together in its own time, right?! She's a very sweet girl and some man will be blessed to be by her side someday. :)

Jamie said...

This is the best present I could have received for valentines day! Jake now has no argument when it comes to who is the favorite;)