Monday, August 12, 2013


Nicholas was so proud of blowing a bubble gum bubble so big that it stuck all over his face.  He wasn't so proud the next morning when we had to scrub until his face was raw to get it all off :)

It was Nicholas's turn for a sleepover with Grandma Chelle and Bubba.  He was SO EXCITED!!!  He is not one to prepare early for anything, and he was packing his bag the day before.   First thing Friday morning he set his packed bag by the front door and it was a long day waiting for 5:00 to roll around.  He kept talking about where he wanted to go out to eat with them and what movie they would watch and what they would have for breakfast in the morning.  He was excited.  About 30 minutes before they came he said, "Mom, I am just going to wait outside until they get here."  He was so cute sitting on the sidewalk staring down the street watching for their car.  I didn't want him to see me taking pictures of him, so I had to be super stealthy, but I got a couple.  My kids are so lucky to have such wonderful grandparents.

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