Wednesday, May 28, 2008


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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Spoon Feeding

Estella is now being spoon fed at least once a day. I don't remember this being such a chore with the other two. It must be that there are more demands on my time because it sure feels like it takes FOREVER to feed this adorable little one. It is sure fun, though.

Thomas LOVES taking pictures. His favorite things to take pictures of are (1) Estella and (2) the light fixture above the table. He is getting better and better at getting his subject in the frame and also at letting the camera focus before he fires the shot.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A few pictures

Jackson made it home from Las Vegas last night. That was a long week for us! We are so glad to have our daddy (and husband) home. I am so thankful that he doesn't have to leave us regularly anymore. Thanks for the lunch ideas! I really needed a jumpstart.

The weather has been so nice lately. The boys think the hose is the best toy right now. I have a nozzel on it that has different sprays. Their favorite is the "gun" because it sprays hard and far. They love to spray it everywhere.
Thomas really likes to pick flowers for me. I have taught him that the only flower he can pick without permission is a dandelion. Dandelions are never more beautiful than when offered with love from your little one. So sweet!

Here is a picture of our sweet Essie Boo. I don't want her to grow up. More than ever before I just want her to stay exactly how she is right now.

And here is an old, but recently touched up picture of Thomas.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Two questions

I have had two questions on my mind. They are very different in nature. One came about because of a Relief Seciety lesson. How do I find time to ponder? I feel like every minute of every day is full. Full of caring, making, cleaning, helping, hurrying, driving, reading, disciplining, cooking, and listening. All good things, but where do I fit in pondering. It is so hard to find a time when things are quiet. I used to have a bit of quiet in the shower (and that is when inspiration came last week about how to help Thomas), but lately I have had visitors. So I ask you, When do you find time to ponder?

The second question is much different...What do you make for lunch? I am so sick of peanut butter and jelly or grilled cheese that I could leave those out of my diet for a LONG time and not feel bad about it. My problem is that I want lunch to be EASY and FAST! I have enough of a struggle making dinner every day with three little ones battling for my attention. I don't want to make anything for lunch. At lunch time I feel like I just finished cleaning up breakfast, I don't want to make a mess again. I just want it to magically appear on the table and clean itself up. Does anyone have a magic lunch making spell they could teach me?

Friday, May 16, 2008

Handsome Husband

I posted these pictures reverse order of what I intended. These first few are of a hike on the monument. We just love it up there. The boys found a rock that rocked :) and they had a blast rocking on it. I didn't get any pictures of Thomas on it...I'll have to do that next time.

Jackson just left yesterday to attend a work conference. He needed a photo to go on a name badge, so we did this one in the garage for him a few days ago. He will be gone for a full week, so wish me luck with three kiddos by myself for that long! It has actually been very pleasant and fun so far. I was REALLY worried because last week and the beginning of this week were HORRIBLE! Estella had a cold, got shots, and cut two teeth all in the same week. Also, we were having major tantrums from everyone...especially Thomas. One day Thomas had 5 MAJOR, full blown tantrums. It was bad. I had an enlightening moment (guidance by the spirit) as to what he needed a few days ago and things have gone MUCH smoother since then. I can't wait to have my handsome husband back home with us!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Friday, May 09, 2008

Dress ups

I have fond memories of playing dress-up as a child. Over the past few years I have started collecting cheap or free dress-ups for my kids. Thomas and Nicholas are beginning to get interested in them. A few days ago I got the dress-up basket down from the closet and let them have at it. First, they dumped everything out and ooohed and aaahed over it all. Then they decided on what they wanted to have on. I had to help a bit. They were so pleased with their costumes.

After playing for a while in his snakeskin vest, Nicholas wanted a change. He found this "Mommy hair" as I mentioned in the last post. I wasn't aware that my hair was short, curly, or mulitcolored. Thankfully I have Nicholas to open my eyes :)

It is annual "junk pick up" time in Grand Junction. There are piles of junk on the sides of the road all over town waiting for the trash crew to pick up. Jackson rummaged up a few things to make a bike jump with, so he could practice up for his upcoming mountain biking trip with his buddies. The boys thought it was super cool that daddy could go off a jump on his bike.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


I just love this picture! Like I said before, I didn't have any ideal fabric for a background, so I was using what I could find around the house. Jackson's grandma left a bunch of fabric here when she left, so I found this in her stash. I was initially planning on trying to take some photos of Estella and change them to black and white using this as the backdrop, so it was set up when Jackson bribed Thomas to sit for us. I only took a few shots with it before I changed it to something more manly, but I think it is perfect for this expression!

I am behind on pictures, so I don't have a visual image to go with this story, but I want to tell it before I forget it. Today, Thomas and Nicholas were playing dress-up. Nicholas pulled a bright multicolored clown wig out of the box. He ran up to me saying (in all seriousness), "Look like yours!" I waited and waited for a grin or a twinkle in the eye to show me he was kidding, but it didn't come...He only repeated his devistating remark. I will post a picture of him wearing "hair like mine" soon :)

Friday, May 02, 2008

A bin full of Estella

A few days ago I was putting away laundry in Estella's room and just for fun I set Estella in the empty bin. Thomas had a great time pushing her around the house.

Last night Jackson bribed Thomas with an ice cream sandwich to dress in his church shirt, gel his hair, and sit for a photo shoot. I don't have the supplies I want yet, but I was anxious to try, so I used what we had around the house. I was disappointed because a lot of them turned out blurry because it was just too dark, but we got a few that were sharp. This was one of my favorites. It is such a Thomas look :)