Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well...the throw-ups have cycled through Essie, Nicholas, and now Jackson. I am HOPING that Thomas and I will somehow avoid it...I'm not sure it is possible.

Friday night, Thomas got to stay at Jackson's parent's house overnight all by himself. They showered him with attention and fun. He LOVED it! While he was gone we tried to spend some special time with Nicholas. Jackson decided to teach him how to play checkers.


Monica Hudson said...

So cute! I'm so sorry to hear that everyone has been sick, but it was REALLY fun to watch Thomas "help" you play the organ yesterday - he's such a fun kid (we love having him in class in Primary...he's quite the leader!). Hope everyone is feeling better by now - please let me know if I can help out in any way. xoxo

Jim said...

That is special time- way to take advantage of it... Essie's hair is so sweet, surrounding her sweet little face! And yea- no baby in Thomas, for sure. HANG on to your last 8 months. It's not the big yellow bus you should be fearing, but the rascal kids he'll be hanging out with and learning from that have just about done me in. No more innocence.

Jim said...

uh, that's me... ~karin