Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Jackson's mom is an amazing seamstress. She has made quite a few Halloween costumes for her grandchildren over the past few years. She keeps them in her closet, and when it is Halloween the kids get to go through and choose one that fits them. It is so fun!

Thomas chose the dinosaur this year.

Nicholas chose the lion.

Estella was a bit too small for anything, so I made her a quick orange tutu. I'll post a picture of her soon. It was her first birthday yesterday! I can't believe it. It was as if something clicked inside her that said, "You're one...time to walk" because last night she started taking about 10 steps in a row without falling. It was so fun to watch. We sang to her and she grinned and waved her arms, basking in the attention. She really likes to be the center of attention. We love our Essie Boo!


Jamie said...

WOW, what amazing costumes. Your mother in law must be amazing. I am so impressed.

CJ said...

Great costumes! That lion is especially cute! I only sit and dream of being able to sew costumes for my kids. I am so clumsy with a sewing machine.

Yay for Essie walking!

mary said...

How convenient -- wish someone would open up a closet full of costumes for us! The lion is my fave!