Monday, February 25, 2013

Tall Tall Hair

Alexander is very particular about the way he wants his hair done lately.  I try to help they older boys with their hair before they leave for school each morning (in all actuality this probably only happens once a week).  When Zando sees us in the bathroom wetting, combing, and gelling their hair he is very quick to join in.  However, he won't accept any of my help...he wants complete control over the combing.  He says things like "Zando tall tall hair...Zando pikey (spikey) hair tall...Zando hair pretty (and when he says the 'pr' in pretty he buzzes his lips)."  We have been seen in public quite regularly lately with him sporting this hair-do.  I have gotten a little bit smart about it, though, and try to keep the gel out of his sight.  If he doesn't get gel in his hair, the spikes fall out pretty quickly.  I think he is pretty handsome either way :)  

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